Specialty Hymns - Brass Quartet Collection #1

![Angels we have Heard on High [Brass Quartet] - Full Score_Page_3.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59579db96b4998e5b0a0599c/1633111269177-9NT6GCRY5CT13OH0RKEW/Angels+we+have+Heard+on+High+%5BBrass+Quartet%5D+-+Full+Score_Page_3.jpg)
![Come, Christians, Join to Sing [Brass Quartet] - Full Score_Page_2.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59579db96b4998e5b0a0599c/1633111332549-2ICE2F9KK5G9RZ4D5243/Come%2C+Christians%2C+Join+to+Sing+%5BBrass+Quartet%5D+-+Full+Score_Page_2.jpg)
![Crown him with many Crowns [Brass Quartet] - Transposing Score_Page_1.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59579db96b4998e5b0a0599c/1633111351539-GN1C02U2QEBLNFPRKK8G/Crown+him+with+many+Crowns+%5BBrass+Quartet%5D+-+Transposing+Score_Page_1.jpg)

Specialty Hymns - Brass Quartet Collection #1
This brass collection features 5 hymn arrangements for Brass Quartet that are meant to be apart of specialty worship services. The hymns included can be performed for Easter, Christmas, Military Holidays, or just to enhance a service with unique brass arrangements appropriate for a church service.
Brass Quartet Collection - $28.99
1. Angels we have Heard on High
2. Come, Christians, Join to Sing
3. Crown Him with Many Crowns
4. O God, Our help in Ages Past
5. Thine be the Glory
Learn more about the full project here: