[D Version] Marriage of Figaro: Overture | Symphonic Brass Ensemble

![Marriage of Figaro [Brass Ensemble] in D - Score 11x17_Page_03.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59579db96b4998e5b0a0599c/1654838309527-NO3L1SN29WRMIK322IJC/Marriage+of+Figaro+%5BBrass+Ensemble%5D+in+D+-+Score+11x17_Page_03.jpg)
![Marriage of Figaro [Brass Ensemble] in D - Score 11x17_Page_09.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59579db96b4998e5b0a0599c/1654838309899-3WTB9G9YROAJG13XY0ES/Marriage+of+Figaro+%5BBrass+Ensemble%5D+in+D+-+Score+11x17_Page_09.jpg)
![Marriage of Figaro [Brass Ensemble] in D - Score 11x17_Page_13.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59579db96b4998e5b0a0599c/1654838309684-AJB7MZGPZ7DDU84Z8YCK/Marriage+of+Figaro+%5BBrass+Ensemble%5D+in+D+-+Score+11x17_Page_13.jpg)
[D Version] Marriage of Figaro: Overture | Symphonic Brass Ensemble
[Bundled Bb and D Version also Available]
[Bb Version Available]
Trumpet Ensemble Version Coming Soon
This arrangement of the famous Overture to 'Marriage of Figaro' takes from the original manuscript and translates it for Brass Ensemble. All of the original counterpoint and gestures are featured. However, alterations have been made to effectively perform this challenging work for Brass. This is a great addition to a beginning of a concert featuring the brass section of an orchestra.