The Rainbow Tree | Fantasie for Bass Trombone and Piano

The Rainbow Tree | Fantasie for Bass Trombone and Piano
This commission is based on the performer’s description of a tree that radiated multiple colors only once a year. It was the only tree that actually changed to be rainbow-colored out of a large forest. With this, I have created a story to go along with the piece, to give a specific narrative to the work and message of the piece.
The Rainbow Tree Narration
‘There was an adventurer who would love exploring the woods. In the spring while on an afternoon hike, they stumbled upon a wonder. This was the Rainbow Tree, a massive oak that radiated many different colors from its leaves. It was like nothing else that the adventurer has seen. The adventurer was excited to show their friends, but the tree was blended into the rest of the forest the next day. Every day after then, the adventurer returned to see if the colors would change, hoping to see the hidden beauty once again.
Months went by, and nothing has changed. However, the adventurer never lost hope and anticipated the trees to return. The seasons were changing and the forest itself showed many differences, but the one tree was still conforming to the rest. The anticipation turned into inpatients and even frustration. With springtime approaching again, the adventure waiting hours by the tree to hopefully see the change for themselves. One full year had passed and there was still no change until one special afternoon passed. The adventure saw the tree slowly become more prominent from the others around it. However, the impact wasn't as significant as expected. It was very different than even his first memories of the transformation. While it was beautiful, it was not what they remembered.
From this, the adventurer marked down the time of when the tree transformed and decided to visit the tree again the next year, the following year, and every year since. They were able to not only see the beauty of the moment, but the beauty of it changing with time. The adventurer loved his discovered but also enjoy the new tradition that they have created and eventually was able to share with his family.’